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ID Category Type Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0000053 [In-Portal CMS] Front End bug report always 2009-06-07 11:41 2009-11-13 13:57
Reporter alex View Status public Project Name In-Portal CMS
Assigned To Dmitry Developer
Priority critical Resolution fixed Fixed in Version 5.0.0
Status closed Product Version 5.0.0 Target Version 5.0.0
Time EstimateNo estimate
Summary 0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken
Description During "Proj-CMS" module integration in base code was partially broken mod-rewrite url parser. It now gives 404 for such url:

This happens because now we have "platform" category in system which is parsed as category (ProcessCategory method) and then attempt is made to find "my_account/my_profile", which eventually fails (in ProcessPhisycalTemplate method).
Additional Information
Tags mod rewrite
Change Log Message
Estimate Points 0
Attached Files

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-  Notes
User avatar (0000032)
Dmitry (manager)
2009-06-07 16:35

This wasn't working due to 404 returned by MOD-Rewrite (in .htaccess) after unsuccessful load of default Thickbox image. Once image path is fixed page is loaded fine.

Please see if you can repeat the same error here: (support / 123123).
User avatar (0000035)
Dmitry (manager)
2009-06-07 17:27


Yes, I still have this problem (my prev. fix is not related to this).


    SELECT CategoryId, IsIndex, NamedParentPath
    FROM Category
    WHERE Status IN (1,4) AND (LOWER(NamedParentPath) = 'content/platform')
    LIMIT 0,1
[Runtime: 0.0006248950958252s] [File: mod_rewrite_helper.php:95] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 10]

    SELECT CategoryId, IsIndex, NamedParentPath
    FROM Category
    WHERE Status IN (1,4) AND (LOWER(NamedParentPath) = 'content/platform/my_account')
    LIMIT 0,1
[Runtime: 0.0017027854919434s] [File: mod_rewrite_helper.php:95] [Query Number: 11]

I propose we adjust method that runs the above, in DB "My Profile" section has the following fields:

1. NamedParentPath -> Content/My-Account/My-Profile
2. CachedTemplate -> platform/my_account/my_profile
3. Template -> platform/my_account/my_profile
User avatar (0000042)
alex (manager)
2009-06-09 02:22
edited on: 2009-06-09 04:11

Ups, you added svn comment, that fixed this issue, but this is should be fixing 0000059 issue.

User avatar (0000051)
alex (manager)
2009-06-10 06:31

Fix committed to RC branch. Commit Message:

1. Fixes 0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken.
2. Section and item detail templates were present in links on page, even if they could be automatically determined by category fields.
User avatar (0000614)
administrator (administrator)
2009-10-03 07:56

Closing issues from 5.0.0 version, because version was already released.
User avatar (0001094)
Dmitry (manager)
2009-11-13 12:57

Fix committed to RC branch. Commit Message:

Fixes 0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken
User avatar (0001141)
alex (manager)
2009-11-13 13:57

This task was resolved multiple times, because of themes were moved into separate modules. I will revert issue status and fixed in version fields back to normal manually.

- Related Changesets
Modules :: In-Bulletin: RC r11845
Timestamp: 2009-06-10 06:35:01
Author: alex
Details ] Diff ]
Bug 0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken
mod - /in-bulletin/branches/RC/in-bulletin/units/topics/topics_event_handler.php Diff ] File ]
In-Portal CMS: RC r11843
Timestamp: 2009-06-10 06:31:36
Author: alex
Details ] Diff ]
1. Fixes 0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken.
2. Section and item detail templates were present in links on page, even if they could be automatically determined by category fields.
mod - /in-portal/branches/RC/core/kernel/application.php Diff ] File ]
mod - /in-portal/branches/RC/core/units/general/helpers/mod_rewrite_helper.php Diff ] File ]
mod - /in-portal/branches/RC/core/units/general/main_event_handler.php Diff ] File ]
Themes :: Advanced: RC r11832
Timestamp: 2009-06-09 01:15:04
Author: Dmitry
Details ] Diff ]
Fixes 0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken
mod - /in-portal/branches/RC/themes/default2009/platform/elements/html_head.elm.tpl Diff ] File ]
mod - /in-portal/branches/RC/themes/default2009/platform/inc/jquery/thickbox/thickbox.js Diff ] File ]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-11-13 13:57 alex Fixed in Version => 5.0.0
2009-11-13 13:57 alex Note Added: 0001141
2009-11-13 13:57 alex Status resolved => closed
2009-11-13 12:57 Dmitry Changeset attached RC r11832
2009-11-13 12:57 Dmitry Note Added: 0001094
2009-11-13 12:57 Dmitry Status closed => resolved
2009-11-13 12:57 Dmitry Fixed in Version 5.0.0 =>
2009-11-13 12:57 Dmitry Assigned To alex => Dmitry
2009-10-03 07:56 administrator Note Added: 0000614
2009-10-03 07:56 administrator Status resolved => closed
2009-10-03 07:37 administrator Priority normal => critical
2009-10-03 07:37 administrator Type @80@ => bug report
2009-06-10 07:26 alex Fixed in Version => 5.0.0
2009-06-10 06:35 alex Changeset attached RC r11845
2009-06-10 06:31 alex Note Added: 0000051
2009-06-10 06:31 alex Status reviewed and tested => resolved
2009-06-10 06:31 alex Resolution reopened => fixed
2009-06-10 06:31 alex Changeset attached RC r11843
2009-06-10 03:22 alex Tag Attached: mod rewrite
2009-06-09 04:11 alex Note Edited: 0000042 View Revisions
2009-06-09 02:22 alex Note Deleted: 0000041
2009-06-09 02:22 alex Status needs work => reviewed and tested
2009-06-09 02:22 alex Status needs feedback => needs work
2009-06-09 02:22 alex Assigned To Dmitry => alex
2009-06-09 02:22 alex Note Added: 0000042
2009-06-09 02:22 alex Status resolved => needs feedback
2009-06-09 02:22 alex Resolution fixed => reopened
2009-06-09 02:18 alex Changeset removed RC r11832
2009-06-09 02:14 Dmitry Note Added: 0000041
2009-06-09 02:14 Dmitry Status needs feedback => resolved
2009-06-09 02:14 Dmitry Resolution open => fixed
2009-06-09 02:14 Dmitry Assigned To alex => Dmitry
2009-06-09 02:14 Dmitry Changeset attached RC r11832
2009-06-07 17:27 Dmitry Note Added: 0000035
2009-06-07 16:35 Dmitry Target Version => 5.0.0
2009-06-07 16:35 Dmitry Note Added: 0000032
2009-06-07 16:35 Dmitry Assigned To => alex
2009-06-07 16:35 Dmitry Status active => needs feedback
2009-06-07 11:41 alex New Issue

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