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ID Category Type Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0000990 [In-Portal CMS] Data Management task always 2011-02-05 08:02 2012-07-25 05:32
Reporter alex View Status public Project Name In-Portal CMS
Assigned To alex Developer
Priority normal Resolution fixed Fixed in Version 5.2.0-B1
Status closed Product Version 5.1.2-B1 Target Version 5.2.0
Time EstimateNo estimate
Summary 0000990: Check that all configuration variables being used
Description In-Portal as 326 configuration settings, that can be changed in various configuration sections in all system parts.

It's time to check if all of these variable change does have impact on the system or not.
Additional Information Plan:
1. create a unix script to perform automatic check
2. export all configuration variable names into one file in one variable per line format
3. use that file as input for a unix command "find" command
4. this way "find" command will be called on all project files for each config variable separately and will output what's been found
5. there is surely a way to report only variables, that were not found at all

Idea is to automate process maximally.

Please inspect all modules.

Following configuration variables need to be implemented:
Category_ShowPick - show editor's pick categories above other categories when enabled
SocketBlockingMode - set socket blocking mode for all curl requests
Comm_City, Comm_Contacts_Additional, Comm_ZIP - show on all templates, where Comm_AddressLine1 configuration variable is used (e.g. orders_blocks.tpl in In-Commerce)

What is need to be done too:
1. remember in order record (before user sends request to payment gateway; usually in ord:OnCompleteOrder event):
- currency (that was selected on front-end)
- totalamount of order in selected currency
Tags No tags attached.
Change Log Message Checked all configuration variables are actually used
Estimate Points 1
Attached Files patch file icon remove_unused_settings_core.patch [^] (5,492 bytes) 2011-12-30 08:54 [Show Content]
patch file icon remove_unused_settings_modules.patch [^] (33,146 bytes) 2011-12-30 08:54 [Show Content]
rar file icon search_toolkit.rar [^] (9,368 bytes) 2011-12-30 08:55

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]

-  Notes
User avatar (0004364)
alex (manager)
2011-12-30 07:24

Following configuration variables were deleted:

I haven't found usage of these variables, but maybe they are used in non-obvous way:
User avatar (0004365)
alex (manager)
2011-12-30 08:56

I've used "search_toolkit.rar" to search for config variable usages.
User avatar (0004366)
alex (manager)
2011-12-30 08:58

Will test all together later.
User avatar (0004367)
alex (manager)
2011-12-30 08:58

Fix committed to 5.2.x branch. Commit Message:

Fixes 0000990: Check that all configuration variables being used
User avatar (0005009)
alex (manager)
2012-07-25 05:32

Since 5.2.0 version was released.

- Related Changesets
In-Portal CMS: 5.2.x r14969
Timestamp: 2012-01-03 04:43:33
Author: alex
Details ] Diff ]
Bug 0000990: Check that all configuration variables being used
1. forgot to remove In-Link phrases from Core language pack
mod - /in-portal/branches/5.2.x/core/install/english.lang Diff ] File ]
In-Portal CMS: 5.2.x r14964
Timestamp: 2011-12-30 08:58:28
Author: alex
Details ] Diff ]
Fixes 0000990: Check that all configuration variables being used
mod - /in-portal/branches/5.2.x/core/install/english.lang Diff ] File ]
mod - /in-portal/branches/5.2.x/core/install/install_data.sql Diff ] File ]
mod - /in-portal/branches/5.2.x/core/install/upgrades.sql Diff ] File ]
Modules :: In-News: 5.2.x r14963
Timestamp: 2011-12-30 08:57:32
Author: alex
Details ] Diff ]
Bug 0000990: Check that all configuration variables being used
mod - /modules/in-news/branches/5.2.x/install/install_data.sql Diff ] File ]
mod - /modules/in-news/branches/5.2.x/install/upgrades.sql Diff ] File ]
Modules :: In-Link: 5.2.x r14962
Timestamp: 2011-12-30 08:57:25
Author: alex
Details ] Diff ]
Bug 0000990: Check that all configuration variables being used
mod - /modules/in-link/branches/5.2.x/install/english.lang Diff ] File ]
mod - /modules/in-link/branches/5.2.x/install/install_data.sql Diff ] File ]
mod - /modules/in-link/branches/5.2.x/install/upgrades.sql Diff ] File ]
Modules :: In-Commerce: 5.2.x r14961
Timestamp: 2011-12-30 08:57:15
Author: alex
Details ] Diff ]
Bug 0000990: Check that all configuration variables being used
mod - /w/in-commerce/branches/5.2.x/install/english.lang Diff ] File ]
mod - /w/in-commerce/branches/5.2.x/install/install_data.sql Diff ] File ]
mod - /w/in-commerce/branches/5.2.x/install/upgrades.sql Diff ] File ]
Modules :: In-Bulletin: 5.2.x r14960
Timestamp: 2011-12-30 08:57:04
Author: alex
Details ] Diff ]
Bug 0000990: Check that all configuration variables being used
mod - /modules/in-bulletin/branches/5.2.x/install/english.lang Diff ] File ]
mod - /modules/in-bulletin/branches/5.2.x/install/install_data.sql Diff ] File ]
mod - /modules/in-bulletin/branches/5.2.x/install/upgrades.sql Diff ] File ]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-07-25 05:32 alex Note Added: 0005009
2012-07-25 05:32 alex Status resolved => closed
2012-01-03 04:43 alex Changeset attached 5.2.x r14969
2011-12-30 08:58 alex Note Added: 0004367
2011-12-30 08:58 alex Status reviewed and tested => resolved
2011-12-30 08:58 alex Fixed in Version => 5.2.0-B1
2011-12-30 08:58 alex Resolution open => fixed
2011-12-30 08:58 alex Assigned To !COMMUNITY => alex
2011-12-30 08:58 alex Changeset attached 5.2.x r14964
2011-12-30 08:58 alex Note Added: 0004366
2011-12-30 08:58 alex Status needs testing => reviewed and tested
2011-12-30 08:57 alex Changeset attached 5.2.x r14963
2011-12-30 08:57 alex Changeset attached 5.2.x r14962
2011-12-30 08:57 alex Changeset attached 5.2.x r14961
2011-12-30 08:57 alex Changeset attached 5.2.x r14960
2011-12-30 08:56 alex Time Estimate Removed 2 =>
2011-12-30 08:56 alex Assigned To alex => !COMMUNITY
2011-12-30 08:56 alex Developer => alex
2011-12-30 08:56 alex Status needs work => needs testing
2011-12-30 08:56 alex Note Added: 0004365
2011-12-30 08:55 alex File Added: search_toolkit.rar
2011-12-30 08:54 alex File Added: remove_unused_settings_modules.patch
2011-12-30 08:54 alex File Added: remove_unused_settings_core.patch
2011-12-30 07:24 alex Note Added: 0004364
2011-12-30 07:23 alex Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2011-12-07 22:25 Dmitry Assigned To erik => alex
2011-10-22 05:38 alex Estimate Points => 1
2011-09-27 04:14 alex Time Estimate Added 2
2011-09-27 04:14 alex Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2011-09-26 04:21 alex Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2011-09-24 11:43 Dmitry Assigned To => erik
2011-09-24 11:43 Dmitry Status active => needs work
2011-09-24 11:43 Dmitry Target Version Icebox => 5.2.0
2011-02-05 08:02 alex Target Version 5.2.0 => Icebox
2011-02-05 08:02 alex New Issue
2011-02-05 08:02 alex Reference =>
2011-02-05 08:02 alex Change Log Message => Checked all configuration variables are actually used

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