In-Portal Issue Tracker - In-Commerce
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533 [In-Portal CMS] Admin Interfaces bug report always 2010-01-05 06:55 2010-01-11 22:01
closed 5.0.2-B2  
none 5.0.2-RC1
0000533: Problems during shipping zone editing in modal window mode
There are problems with adding/editing of "shipping zones" during "shipping type" editing. To replicate you need to edit existing shipping type, then visit "shipping zones" tab and open existing shipping zone for editing (notice, that new window for zone editing wasn't opened and existing windows was reused). Then hit "Save" button and instead of returning to shipping zone list we will see shipping type list (no editing) in that popup. Also changes inside shipping zones were not saved.
patch shipping_zone_edit_fix.patch (972) 2010-01-05 06:55
Issue History
2010-01-11 22:01 Dmitry Note Added: 0001289
2010-01-11 22:01 Dmitry Status resolved => closed
2010-01-06 03:50 alex Fixed in Version 5.0.2 => 5.0.2-RC1
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Issue Monitored: Dmitry
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Note Added: 0001259
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Changeset attached 5.0.x r13015
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Note Added: 0001258
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Status needs testing => resolved
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Fixed in Version => 5.0.2
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Resolution open => fixed
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Assigned To Dmitry => alex
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Assigned To => Dmitry
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Status active => needs testing
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Reference =>
2010-01-05 06:57 alex Target Version => 5.0.2
2010-01-05 06:55 alex New Issue
2010-01-05 06:55 alex File Added: shipping_zone_edit_fix.patch

2010-01-05 06:57   
Fix committed to 5.0.x branch. Commit Message:

Fixes 0000533: Problems during shipping zone editing in modal window mode
2010-01-05 06:57   
Reminder sent to: Dmitry

Commited, please test.
2010-01-11 22:01   
Closing completed tasks.