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477 [In-Portal CMS] Admin Interfaces bug report always 2009-12-23 02:46 2009-12-23 02:46
active 5.0.2-B1  
0000477: Required field mark (*) is displayed for read-only fields
In case if field is required, that red asterisk (*) is displayed after field name to indicate that it's mandatory. This makes sense, when user can enter value in field, but doesn't make sense, when field is read-only, e.g. when "inp_label" block is used instead of "inp_edit_box" block.

I propose we add new parameter to all form blocks named "required", that could have 3 values:

    * empty - automatic detection of asterisk presence;
    * 1 - always display red asterisk no matter is field required or not
    * 0 - always hide red asterisk no matter is field required or not
About testing this could be very simple to test, because there are only few cases:

    * field is initially required;
    * field is made required via OnBeforeItemUpdate/OnBeforeItemCreate event later;
    * field is not required.

For each mentioned case there are only 3 parameter (that new one) values:

    * show asterisk based on actual required setting;
    * always show asterisk;
    * always hide asterisk.

This makes 9 test cases.
Issue History
2009-12-23 02:46 alex Type feature request => bug report
2009-12-23 02:46 alex Reproducibility N/A => always
2009-12-23 02:46 alex Target Version => Icebox
2009-12-23 02:46 alex New Issue
2009-12-23 02:46 alex Reference =>

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