In-Portal Issue Tracker - In-Portal CMS
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170 [In-Portal CMS] Template System feature request N/A 2009-08-03 06:36 2010-06-09 05:14
none 5.0.1  
0000170: Add "Reset Template Cache" button to "Tools -> Service" section
I would be great to have button, that will delete all compiled versions of templates, that are currently stored under "/system/cache" folder. Depending on how web server is configured it's not always possible to delete these files by hand over FTP or SSH connection.

I propose to call "/system/cache/" script or just recursively delete all files like "" script does.
duplicate of 0000305closed  (5.0.1)alex Ability to delete compiled templates from file system 
Issue History
2010-06-09 05:14 alex Resolution fixed => duplicate
2009-09-21 03:23 alex Status reviewed and tested => closed
2009-09-21 03:23 alex Resolution open => fixed
2009-09-21 03:23 alex Status active => reviewed and tested
2009-09-21 03:23 alex Assigned To => alex
2009-09-21 03:23 alex Relationship added duplicate of 0000305
2009-09-21 03:23 alex Fixed in Version => 5.0.1
2009-09-21 03:23 alex Target Version => 5.0.1
2009-08-03 06:36 alex New Issue

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