In-Portal Issue Tracker - In-Portal CMS
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1448 [In-Portal CMS] Front End bug report always 2013-01-10 05:20 2013-01-10 05:22
resolved 5.1.0  
none 5.2.1-B2
Fixes user object right after login
0001448: User object not available right after login
During a login procedure In-Portal replaces current user_id (-2 = Guest) to one, that was discovered from given username and password. After that redirect happens to show user new content.

However if no redirect happens, that whoever tries to access user object in template, e.g. <inp2:u_Field name="FirstName"/> will fail to do so resulting empty string returned in all cases.
patch reset_user_object_after_login.patch (620) 2013-01-10 05:20
Issue History
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Changeset attached 5.2.x r15664
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Note Added: 0005350
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Status reviewed and tested => resolved
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Fixed in Version => 5.2.1-B2
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Resolution open => fixed
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Assigned To !COMMUNITY => alex
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Note Added: 0005349
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Status needs testing => reviewed and tested
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Assigned To => !COMMUNITY
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Developer => alex
2013-01-10 05:22 alex Status active => needs testing
2013-01-10 05:21 alex Reference =>
2013-01-10 05:20 alex New Issue
2013-01-10 05:20 alex File Added: reset_user_object_after_login.patch
2013-01-10 05:20 alex Change Log Message => Fixes user object right after login
2013-01-10 05:20 alex Estimate Points => 1

2013-01-10 05:22   
Will test all together later.
2013-01-10 05:22   
Fix committed to 5.2.x branch. Commit Message:

Fixes 0001448: User object not available right after login