In-Portal Issue Tracker - In-Portal CMS
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1383 [In-Portal CMS] Admin Interfaces bug report always 2012-08-20 12:17 2012-08-20 12:20
resolved 5.2.0-B1  
none 5.2.1-B1
Fixes system setting page validation error detection
0001383: Incorrect setting page saving detection
In 0001118 task we've added nice message, that is shown on configuration page when all settings were successfully saved.

However after using it a bit on my projects I've discovered, that message is shown if at least one of system settings, displayed on a page, was saved successfully.
Also on "Configuration -> Website -> Advanced" page, which is quite long, it's hard to see error in a setting value is is at the bottom of a page.

I'm proposing to:

1. display "Saved" message only when ALL system settings were saved without validation errors
2. scroll window/frame to first error on a page
related to 0001003resolved  (5.2.1)alex Logging engine 
child of 0001118closed  (5.2.0)alex Show "saved message" on Saving Configuration Settings in Admin 
patch system_setting_validation_fixes.patch (4,208) 2012-08-20 12:17
Issue History
2012-08-20 12:20 alex Note Added: 0005153
2012-08-20 12:20 alex Status reviewed and tested => resolved
2012-08-20 12:20 alex Fixed in Version => 5.2.1-B1
2012-08-20 12:20 alex Resolution open => fixed
2012-08-20 12:20 alex Assigned To !COMMUNITY => alex
2012-08-20 12:20 alex Changeset attached 5.2.x r15525
2012-08-20 12:20 alex Relationship added related to 0001003
2012-08-20 12:19 alex Note Added: 0005152
2012-08-20 12:19 alex Status needs testing => reviewed and tested
2012-08-20 12:19 alex Assigned To => !COMMUNITY
2012-08-20 12:19 alex Developer => alex
2012-08-20 12:19 alex Status active => needs testing
2012-08-20 12:19 alex Reference =>
2012-08-20 12:17 alex Relationship added child of 0001118
2012-08-20 12:17 alex New Issue
2012-08-20 12:17 alex File Added: system_setting_validation_fixes.patch
2012-08-20 12:17 alex Change Log Message => Fixes system setting page validation error detection
2012-08-20 12:17 alex Estimate Points => 1

2012-08-20 12:19   
Will test all together later.
2012-08-20 12:20   
Fix committed to 5.2.x branch. Commit Message:

Fixes 0001383: Incorrect setting page saving detection