Name: SELECT Properties, FlatSurcharge, PercentSurcharge FROM ShippingQuoteEngines WHERE LOWER(ClassName) = 'shippingquotecollector' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.00027704238891602s] [File: shipping_quote_engine.php:196] [Query Number: 28] [PrefixSpecial: ] Name: SELECT Classname FROM ShippingQuoteEngines WHERE Status = 1 [Runtime: 0.00211501121521s] [File: shipping_quote_collector.php:140] [Affected Rows: 1] [Result: USPS] [Query Number: 29] [PrefixSpecial: ShippingQuoteCollector] Name: SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Shipping_Country' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.00047183036804199s] [File: application.php:2378] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 30] Name: SELECT ShortIsoCode FROM CountryStates WHERE IsoCode = 'USA' AND `Type` = 1 LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.0018649101257324s] [File: country_states_helper.php:194] [Affected Rows: 1] [Result: US] [Query Number: 31] [PrefixSpecial: CountryStatesHelper] Name: SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Contacts_Name' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.00035691261291504s] [File: application.php:2378] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 32] Name: SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_CompanyName' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.00062394142150879s] [File: application.php:2378] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 33] Name: SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_StoreName' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.00040984153747559s] [File: application.php:2378] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 34] Name: SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Shipping_AddressLine1' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.00025606155395508s] [File: application.php:2378] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 35] Name: SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Shipping_AddressLine2' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.00061988830566406s] [File: application.php:2378] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 36] Name: SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Shipping_City' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.002669095993042s] [File: application.php:2378] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 37] Name: SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Shipping_State' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.0022449493408203s] [File: application.php:2378] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 38] Name: SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Shipping_ZIP' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.00034308433532715s] [File: application.php:2378] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 39] Name: SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Contacts_Phone' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.0050981044769287s] [File: application.php:2378] [Affected Rows: 1] [Query Number: 40] Name: SELECT Properties FROM ShippingQuoteEngines WHERE ClassName="USPS" LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.00058197975158691s] [File: usps.php:1198] [Affected Rows: 1] [Result: a:21:{s:12:"AccountLogin";s:12:"134ECIGA0481";s:15 ...] [Query Number: 41] [PrefixSpecial: ] Name: SELECT Properties, FlatSurcharge, PercentSurcharge FROM ShippingQuoteEngines WHERE LOWER(ClassName) = 'customshippingquoteengine' LIMIT 0,1 [Runtime: 0.0032198429107666s] [File: shipping_quote_engine.php:196] [Query Number: 42] [PrefixSpecial: ] Name: SELECT * FROM ShippingType [Runtime: 0.00027203559875488s] [File: custom_shipping_quote_engine.php:171] [Query Number: 43] [PrefixSpecial: CustomShippingQuoteEngine] Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in w:\modules\in-commerce\units\shipping_quote_engines\shipping_quote_collector.php on line 177