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ID Category Type Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0001317 [In-Portal CMS] Front End bug report always 2012-06-11 08:15 2012-10-10 23:58
Reporter alex View Status public  
Assigned To alex
Priority normal Resolution fixed  
Status resolved      
Summary 0001317: Allow to specify what IP address source to use
Description Right now In-Portal always relies on $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] variable to determine client's IP address.

This works not in all cases. For example, when behind Amazon Web Services load balancer the actual IP address is located in $_SERVER['X_HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'] variable.

Always relying on X_HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR and then on REMOTE_ADDR is bad idea because attacker could forge fake ip to pass ip-based check. To solve this I'm proposing to add new configuration setting, where user can select preferred IP address sources with possible options:
* getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')

Based on server configuration some of these option might return empty string instead of IP address and it's up to use to choose what to use. By default we will use $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] for backward compatibility.
Additional Information At the end method $this->Application->getIP() would return correct value based on configuration setting.

Since IP address check can be performed before application initialization this new setting must be added to /system/config.php file instead of SystemSettings database table. Of course install/upgrade wizard steps needs to be updated to reflect that.

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In-Portal Open Source CMS
In-Portal Open Source CMS
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